Write this on a scroll. I don’t know about you, but I’ve had to say that to myself a million times. Well, maybe not a scroll, but I’ve definitely told myself to "write this down."
The older I get, the more of a memory problem I seem to have.
You know the internal dialogue. “You should write that password down.” “ Nah, I’ll remember THIS ONE for sure” Nope. Never do.

I think God isn’t the least bit surprised at our memory issue. You see, He knows the importance and great value of writing things down because He knows us so well. His instruction to write things down is found in several places in the Bible.
In the Exodus verse above, God is speaking to Moses in the wilderness. The Israelites have been watching and witnessing miracle after miracle. They have seen God part the sea and drop manna from heaven.
Yet they struggled with the same memory problem as we do today. In the midst of daily struggles, they lost sight of God’s goodness to them.
This is exactly where I was a couple of years ago when the idea of Plan to Pray was planted. We had been asking God for some big changes in our lives, and when His answer was NO, I had a wilderness sized hissy-fit. I felt unseen and un-important.
A dear friend reminded me to consider all the prayers He had answered. She urged me to remember the many times He had shown up before.
I’m ashamed to say, I could not remember as much as I thought I would. Sure, I remembered the big ways prayers were answered. The emergency c-section, a terrifying seizure, even the sweet way he answered my prayers for a son.
But small tender reminders of God’s faithfulness in my daily life escaped me. I had to dig deep to think of them, and even then I could not remember.
If only I had written them down. I should have written things down. I needed to write things down.
So as Plan to Pray fleshed out, the words record and remember stood out very clear to me.
Record things to remember God’s faithfulness.

This is my vision, my dream, my hope for YOU. That through this prayer planner, you can have a record of God’s faithfulness in YOUR life. You can have written evidence of HOPE.
I truly believe that as you write your prayers down, and take the time to go back and look for God’s answers, your MEMORY problem will fade. You will remember God’s goodness to you and remember His faithfulness. You might see changes in yourself, and you will be able to trust Him NOW because of it.